



Woke – 6:45 am

Slept – 1:30 am



-              Nature’s Valley Muffin Bar (blueberry)

-              7up



-              Toast

-              Coffee



-              Sub from Jersey Mike’s (Turkey, Salami, Provolone, Lettuice, Banana Peppers, Oil, Vinegar and Spices)

-              Coke


After Dinner:

-              2 Brownie Bites

-              Bottle of water



-              .5mg Clonazepam

-              150mg Wellbutrin XR

-              500mg Tylenol

-              400mg Ibuprofen

-              Floradix Liquid Iron

-              Edlerberry and Vitamin C Gummy


I woke up and laid on the couch for a bit, I forced myself to eat to take some Tylenol / Ibuprofen because my back was hurting. (I think this was because my cat, Pepper, was sleeping on my legs last night – but I regularly sleep like a shrimp so it could be that.)


G watched Minions and ate Cheerios and had some milk while I was waking up. I don’t know what this fucking Minions kick is but it is ONLY the Minions movie. I have tried to get her to watch Despicable Me – anything but that one movie, but she’s drawn to it. Hopefully this phase will be short. I don’t believe my psyche can handle watching Minions multiple times a day for much longer. I have no idea how my mother suffered through my VHS copy of Winnie the Pooh’s Grand Adventure going 4x a day.


Unboxed some new plastic containers to organize the pantry and also to keep ants out of the food – that being said, I have not seen any ants for a few days now so maybe it’s not tht much of a concerns since I sprayed for them but I do not want to experience eating a bag of chips and finding an ant in it again. My life flashed before my eyes.


I also bought tongs and spatulas in the same order, along with some book flags and sticky notes for annotation. Most of this will be used for a side project I’ve been working on, which is making anti-Book Tok content. I am trying to do it in a nice way, reading popular “BookTok” books and doing long and short form content on why it’s not worth the time and some of it is actually detrimental to society, but I know I will be ripped apart. Eh. I have nothing better to do with my free time. This has been a subject that has bothered me for a while though.


Spent a little time watching an HBO Max show about the San Diego zoo. Honestly, I was not paying attention but they were weighing Condor’s eggs at one point, and the specialist, (I don’t know what you would call him? Zoo-ologist?) looked so interested in his job. I did go down a rabbit hole about how much I do, in fact, hate my job. Could I force myself to like my job? Can I gaslight myself into believing that I have any genuine interest in my profession? I’m trying. My manager told me that I’ve been invited to their conference in April (no one else in my department was) – Which is very inconvenient considering childcare, and I’ve never been on a plane before. I’m trying to figure out how I could take a train but I have been unsuccessful thus far. One more thing to plan around I guess.


Made the kids brunch after A decided to grace us (me and G) with her presence. *She did stay in her room for most of the day despite my efforts to pry her away from er Steam Deck.

They had eggs, bacon, and toast.


I did eat some toast and take my vitamins. I’ve been trying to be more intentional about taking the liquid iron because my iron was so low when I went to the doctor a few months ago, but it genuinely tastes like shit.


After brunch I gave G a bath and A took a shower, then I dried their hair and they had strawberries as a snack. G then fought a nap for approximately an hour before absolutely passing out until 4 pm. You would think that this would give me time to be productive (eh). Mostly I tried to train the kitten (Rogue), to stop sleeping in my computer chair for the genuine fear that I will not see her and will sit on her one day. This ended with me re-arranging my desk to put her cat bed next to my work monitors and she seems content,


I did sign up to be an Uber and Lyft driver during this time. I don’t know. I’ve done it before and I regularly do Doordash so it should be fine. Though I still can’t drive at night, so I’m limited to daylight hours. Even with the blue light coating on my glasses, I have a seizure if it’s too dark around me and multiple headlights are coming towards me. Which is not ideal.

*I have focal epilepsy so my seizures are usually inattentive, not typical – still not good while driving.


C came home from playing MTG and I showed them the custom Balloon token I made to go with their tokens I ordered them for Valentine's day (late). They liked it a lot which I was really happy about – I have felt shitty about my art lately so I haven’t been drawing that much. Mostly I make half-assed stickers and sell them on RedBubble.


C and I at subs after I cooked the kids dinner (sausage, rice and Broccoli) – They watched Dr. Who while eating (“Idiots Lantern”, one of my favorites), and  I told C about my day and they told me about their games.


Kids played upstairs a lot this evening, C and I watched Uncut Gems, which they had never seen and I had only seen once – I still liked it on rewatch. Very unnerving settings, I noticed more this time, the use of light in certain scenes. I wonder if they chose such vibrant undertones to mimic the Opal that is the centerpiece of the movie.


I have a shitload to read tonight, will probably be up late. Trying to do too many things at once again, (who me?).


C’est la vie.