Dinnertime with Shrapnel
MRI contrast looks like so many bullets and AA batteries and
It leaves shrapnel in my frontal lobe like
Lobotomy glass, broken ice pick – in through the orbital socket, now.
(Maybe I’d be better off?)
No, not lobotomy glass – menagerie glass,
Dropped at the wrong moment – dropped like a dead limb,
And unwanted climb, unwanted complication.
(Aren’t all complications unwanted?)
I’m learning that consciousness is a privilege.
And I’ve looked at the images myself,
Black and white and ghastly but
As they say,
Unremarkable in nature. The same
Skull black void, in the correct shape (so they tell me) –
With Tim Burton eye sockets, my body is trite as well.
(Or it has been since the early 2000’s.)
Oh yes the knock of my time gaps, and my fraying seams
And the increasingly unsubtle nod of the head like the flicking of a switch
Some distance between reality and
The Mariana Trench.
Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos,
Thrice bitches.
Not a thread of fate pulled on a weaving loom but the spools of my brain,
Exhumed from my skull like
Wet spaghetti.
And I’m afraid, my dear,
There’s not enough to feed the table.